“Startup in a Scaleup: how we built 4 new products in 18 months “ by Isabelle Bénard

  • Updated: 03 July 2023
  • An ultra fast read
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As companies grow, innovation and agility can often take a back seat, resulting in a loss of competitive advantage. Isabelle Bénard, CPO @Mirakl, shares tips and strategies on how to overcome these challenges to promote innovation at scale.

The main key learnings :

  • Involve the entire organization. Keep in mind that innovation can’t happen if there is no team work. That is the key to make the fullest potential of your product.
  • Think outside of the box. Take into account that innovation doesn’t requires huge team. It is about the size of your idea and breaking rules.
  • Foster a startup mindset. You maybe think that only startups are at the heart of innovation but this mindset is about the culture and values that there is in your company.
To learn more about Product Management : our book Agile Product Management


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