In this episode, consultant and trainer Marie-Laure explains the differences between project culture and product culture and provides all her advice for transitioning from one to the other. We discuss processes, organizations, and success criteria with concrete examples from Betclic or France Télévisions.
Marie-Laure's key findings on project and product culture:
- Differentiate the two cultures. A project has a beginning and an end, as well as a budget that is consumed during its lifespan. On the contrary, a product is a good or service intended to satisfy a need. It has a beginning but not necessarily an end. Throughout its lifecycle, the product evolves.
- Distinguish the processes. Traditional development approaches are based on planning, with actions carried out sequentially, forming a series of predictable outcomes. In a company with a product culture, design resembles a loop that repeats endlessly: the learning loop.
- Mesure the impact of every method. In a project, take into account the deadlines identified initially or the satisfaction of an internal request. In a Product approach, measure the impact created for the user AND for the company.
To go further: download our book Les Clés du Product Management (in French)